Magnolias Bloom In May: A Novel

This here is a funny place. Some call it the glory of God. Some call it other. Yes, this here is a funny place. Twenty years ago, Charla Bennett left the small sunny island of Santos, Georgia, to have what she’d never seen: a successful husband, a luxury condominium in Chicago’s Marina City, a son. Soon after Christopher’s birth, the life she attained spiraled out of her grasp. She found herself divorced, broken-hearted, and alone. Shattered, Charla returns home and is welcomed by embittered 78-year-old Aunt Eddie and sheltered Cousin Mitzi. As Charla tries to get back on her feet, secrets unravel that gives her ex-husband the alibi needed to take away her son to raise him with his “better” wife and “new” family. In the shadows a storm brews as Mitzi makes plans to seize the coveted home that was gifted by blood and forbidden love. Deciding to take matters into her own hands, Mitzi is certain that pay-off to the island’s root woman will assure that she gets what favoritism, unappreciated time, and, effort has stolen from her, even if it means sacrificing the life of family. As family secrets unveil and by the force of preternatural island elders, Charla is required to face her shadows to reclaim the life, love and legacy that belongs to her by destiny. Provocative, pithy, and emotionally riveting, Magnolias Bloom In May is a story of a woman that is challenged to triumph as she confronts her darkness to realize the good she deserves to have and hold. $17.95

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LINED JOURNAL: Queen of Rose & Thorn

The Queen of Rose and Thorn embraces her ability to bloom and self-protect. This Queen understands her duality, and that her thorns are used to promote growth to overcome internal and external obstacles. The rose and thorn compliments her growth so that she blooms in season. When you come to write in this journal you will be encouraged to embrace your thorns, with the ability to extract the lessons. Those lessons taught you what to look out for, and how to use your "weaknesses" to assist in growth towards blooming into your brilliant fullness. QUEEN OF ROSE & THORN JOURNAL FEATURES: -African-American imagery that demonstrates the beautiful duality of healing -Vibrant colorful matte cover -Paperback for easy portability -Sturdy white front and back dotted line pages (200 pages/400 total) -Stunning back cover with artistic appeal -Encouraging divider quote pages to encourage the balance of growth and strength

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LINED JOURNAL: Queen of Shadow & Light

The Queen of Shadow and Light honors the royalty that exudes from both sides of her. In shadow and light she blossoms and grows. Though incongruous, she is always beautifully crowned. As you come to write in this journal may you see both sides of your shadow and light crowned towards the integration of who you fully are! QUEEN OF SHADOW AND LIGHT JOURNAL FEATURES: -African-American imagery that demonstrates the beautiful duality of healing -Vibrant colorful matte cover -Paperback for easy portability -Sturdy white dotted-line pages (200 pages/400 total) -Stunning back cover -Journal divider pages to remind of the process of integration of shadow to light

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LINED JOURNAL: Queen of Death & Transformation

The Queen of Death and Transformation has endured the trying and drying of everything she has known. As she resurfaces in her power, she recognizes that out of the death of it all, she has developed wings to soar towards her vibrant brilliance and transformation. When you come to write in this journal you will be encouraged with the promise of your own transformation to emerge into your personal greatness! QUEEN OF DEATH AND TRANSFORMATION JOURNAL FEATURES: -African-American imagery that demonstrates the beautiful duality of healing -Vibrant colorful matte cover -Paperback for easy portability -Sturdy white dotted-line pages (200 pages/400 total) -Stunningly artistic back cover

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LINED JOURNAL: Queen of Musings & Manifestations

There is a twinkle in her eye that reverberates what she is imagining. Under the shade of her cowrie shell brimmed crown she wills to manifest growth, luxury, and wealth that is always expanding. As you come to write in this journal you will feel the stirrings of your own musings brewing to manifest! QUEEN OF MUSINGS AND MANIFESTATIONS JOURNAL FEATURES: -African-American imagery that demonstrates the beautiful duality of healing -Vibrant colorful matte cover -Paperback for easy portability -Sturdy white dotted-line pages (200 pages/400 total) -Stunningly artistic back cover -A section that encourages you to create your own musings to manifest

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GUIDED JOURNAL: Queen of Brewings & Brujeria

The Queen of Brewings and Brujeria takes advantage of the energies of thought, time, and energy to direct her focus. She is the elemental witch that uses the forces of the seasons, the moon, and nature before she exacts. When you come to write in this journal you will be encouraged to tap into your own energies of crafting what is needed for creating the environment that gives birth to your desires. QUEEN OF BREWINGS AND BRUJERIA JOURNAL FEATURES: -African-American imagery that demonstrates the beautiful duality of healing -Vibrant colorful matte cover -Paperback for easy portability -Sturdy white dotted-line pages (200 pages/400 total) -Stunningly artistic back cover

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GUIDED JOURNAL: Queen of Mindful Miracles

The Queen of Mindful Miracles is a guided journal that allows you to check-in and assess your inner pulse before tackling your week and each day. Using a tarot or oracle card for divine inspiration, you are encouraged to start your week understanding the guiding energy, your emotional state, concerns to commit to prayer, what you would like to manifest, and, self-care commitments that you will make to yourself for the week. Each day opens with listing what you are grateful for as well as the opportunity to pull a card for the day, and to acknowledge your feelings. Journal space is given to express your most pressing concerns. The journal closes the week allowing you the chance to review divine messages, repeated emotions, and healing topics that came to the surface. The Queen of Mindful Miracles offers you the space to give the most important person in your life acknowledgement, compassion, and deserved time. THE QUEEN OF MINDFUL MIRACLES JOURNAL FEATURES: -African-American imagery that demonstrates the beautiful duality of healing -Vibrant colorful matte cover -Paperback for easy portability -Stunningly artistic back cover

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GUIDED JOURNAL: The Queen of Vision and Victory Tarot & Oracle Healing Journal

The Queen of Vision and Victory Tarot & Oracle Healing Journal is for those who use tarot and/or oracle decks as a regular mechanism of connection to their Divine and the Higher Self. This journal calls you to look at color, imagery, key words, phrases, and themes to dig into deeper truths for self-evolution and manifestation. To delve deeper, you are given a space to journal through your discoveries in the reading. Finally, to ingrain the messages, you are given the space to record actionable steps for character building, personal elevation, and life altering change. This journal calls you to be responsible and accountable to use YOUR Higher Self to derive to your personal solution. The Queen of Vision and Victory offers you the space to depend on your Higher Self to intuit what is best for your life. In reality, your Spirit is the only Spirit that can be trusted. THE QUEEN OF VISION AND VICTORY TAROT & ORACLE HEALING JOURNAL FEATURES: -African-American imagery that demonstrates the beautiful duality of healing -Vibrant colorful matte cover -Paperback for easy portability -Stunningly artistic back cover

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GUIDED JOURNAL: Queen of Shadow Integration Healing Journal

The Queen of Shadow Integration Healing Guided Journal gives you space to confront, expose, excavate, and integrate those shadow areas of your life that you may find challenging and that keeps you from manifesting your desired beingness. As you work through the 12-session cycles of healing prompts, you will come to the end of that dedicated time with wider vision and renewed hope in the possibilities that are IN YOU to become! THE QUEEN OF SHADOW INTEGRATION HEALING GUIDED JOURNAL FEATURES: -African-American imagery that demonstrates the beautiful duality of healing -Five cycles of 12-session healing prompts -Personal rituals and self-healing tools for auric and energetic clearing -Useful with tarot and oracle cards for shadow exploration -Vibrant colorful matte cover -Paperback for easy portability

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GUIDED JOURNAL: King of Power & Potential

The King of Power and Potential is the first king of the collection. This journal is meant to allow space for the young man in your life to track with himself first and gain a comfortability with his emotions and needs. When this journal is approached it allows the ability to get in touch with personal feelings, gratitude, personal needs, with expression! KING OF POWER AND POTENTIAL JOURNAL FEATURES: -African-American imagery that demonstrates the beautiful duality of healing -Vibrant colorful matte cover -Paperback for easy portability -Guided prompts for easier journaling -Stunningly creative artistic back cover

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GUIDED JOURNAL: Queen of Intellect and Intelligence- A Common Place Journal

The Queen of Intellect and Intelligence Common place Journal is for those who are always seeking to self develop. You are the person that learns from life around you and needs to document what it is teaching you. This journal allows you to absorb and document according to those areas of life that you feel you need the most support to implement it's learnings into your own life. Instead of gathering post-it notes or placing these note scraps in a notebook, the Queen of Intellect and Intelligence allows you to place all of your development efforts in one place. THE QUEEN OF INTELLECT AND INTELLIGENCE COMMON PLACE JOURNAL FEATURES: -African-American imagery that demonstrates the beautiful duality of healing -Vibrant colorful matte cover -Paperback for easy portability -Stunningly artistic back cover

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